Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Happy 8th Anniversary

Eight years ago Jason carried around a pager. We had no cell phones. Not everyone had the internet at their houses. I han't yet heard of Tivo. Friends was still on the air. Seinfeld had just said goodbye. Blue, Slade and Cruz were still chillin' with other spirit children, and Jason and I got married! I wonder what the next eight will bring?

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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

4 going on 14

This is how I found my little Slade yesterday. Laying on his bed with this CD player on. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "Just listening to some rock n' roll." He had gone through all of our CD's and decided to turn on Smashing Pumpkins. At least he has good taste.
Pray for me and the 20 or so years...

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Monday, November 20, 2006

Slave Labor

There is a thing of beauty happening at my house. My kids (well two of them) are learning how to work! They are now "experts" at hanging clothes and mopping the floor. Blue and Slade each worked very hard at hanging up their own shirts. Next time they mop I'll have to take pictures - it involves ALOT of water.

Cruz had the job of playing nicely in his walker.
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Sunday, November 19, 2006


Here are a few pictures from Saturday's big catering job. It was a wedding with a tropical paradise theme with beef, chicken, pineapple, and vegetable satay. We also had Kalua pork, a Vietnamese salad, an abundance of fruit and an array of different dipping sauces. This is what no sleep for days and food for hundreds looks like.

Our lovely pig head. Brooke enjoyed having the teeth fall out in her hands while she was preparing it to be roasted. Notice the cute flower in it's ear. Brooke always thinks of everything!

The perfect setting for our buffet under this lush patio.

A little shout out to everyone that helps to make it possible for my sister and I to have this business - thank you husbands, mother, father, grandmother, sisters, children who try so hard to be extra good on catering days, and friends to work. We truly could not do it without everyone!
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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Four Things I Love

Jason got this TV for his birthday. We have had it for a few months and now it feels like part of the family. What should we name it? I'm thinking it's another boy.
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006


While Blue is at school, Slade find another brother to play with.

His name is Cruz!

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Off To College

Did someone forget to tell me that my little Baby Blue is now an adult? I took this picure before church today and couldn't believe what a young man he is becoming. Someone start stocking up on Kleenex - because college is right around the corner. Alright, that may be slightly dramatic.

What you can't see is the candy that he is holding, trying to sneek some to church...
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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Award Winning Husband

Jason, the man I love. He loves a good deal. The other day he drove past one of those wierd Bakery Outlets and I guess the idea of "day old bread" was something that he couldn't resist. He went in and purchased some Entenmanns coffe cake and danishes. Apparently they had a deal that if you spend eight dollars or more you can fill out an entry form to win a fabulous gift basket full of off brand cake mixes, almost expired pretzels, and such. Well guess what - Jason got a call saying HE WON! You would of thought he won the lottery. He was so excited about the whole thing. I'll tell you what, that Bakery Outlet just got a repeat customer.

Looking thrilled.

Looking lovingly at the basket.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Name Game

As per Stephanie's blog, here is my name game...

-notice the drool-

-notice the rubber band across his face-

-i couldn't find a wierd picture of Blue, so notice the missing tooth-

There really is no "method behind my madness" except that we like 1 syllable names that sound cool. The number one criteria is that they have to sound good with the the last name and with eachother. You can't have Blue, and Thomas etc. It's all about the flow for me. They all have family middle names that are pretty basic.

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