Thursday, August 28, 2008

This Crazy Kid is Mine

I went into check on Slade in the shower and found him with this bowl on his head making funny faces into the reflection of the faucet. I came back with the camera and he was happy to perform. This kid is nuts, just like me.
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Chelsea said...

As I was on the phone with you while you took these pictures I had no idea it could be as funny as you made it sound... but those faces are freaky and so dang cute! That little man is nuts!

Kelley Bochman Smith said...

and he's a little wierd! Just like the rest of our family...Gotta love that boy!

Mrs. Dub said...

He's definitely yours - I've seen you in the shower with a bowl on your head several times.

brookegfunk said...

People DONT take a shower with a bowl on their head ? I thought bowl-as-shower-cap was the new black!Slade is great as always!

liz said...

congratulation! you won the bid for a 1 hour photo shoot!!!!! You rock.

email me and we can arrange the photo shoot: