Thursday, October 04, 2007

Alien Invasion

A funny thing happened while I closed my eyes for a few minutes on the couch. Cruz was napping, Blue was at school, and Slade was watching a little show. I woke up to find Slade with these "ancient alien curse marks" on his arm. He told me all about how aliens had entered the house and marked his arm with these curse marks. I told him alright Slade, but don't draw on your arms anymore and never use my Sharpies again. He assured me that he didn't do it and that aliens were to blame. I then had to tell him that the next time aliens enter the house while I am sleeping, show them where the washable markers are.
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Anonymous said...

Sometimes I do think that slade is being possessed by an alien force and other times its just a few too many chocolate bunnies-i love that crizzazzy kid! Roswell is da bomb and they make an amazing funnel cake.

Anonymous said...

I love that freaking kid. He's hilarious!

Mrs. Dub said...

i want to know said curse words, just in case an alien ever cuts me off in traffic.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that they didn't take him with them. I am also grateful every time Slad alerts us that their are aliens outside. What would we do without him!!!!